Thursday, March 26, 2009


Final Fridays #3 at Paper City Studios
Time: March 27, 2009 from 7:30pm to 11pm
Location: Paper City Studios, Floor 3
Street: 80 Race Street
City/Town: Holyoke
Website or Map:
Contact Info: 413-230-7739
Event Type: Performance / Video
Organized By: Rebecca Migdal

Dada artist Kurt Schwitters’s classic “Sonata In Primeval Sounds,” also called “Ursonata,” is performed by Andy Laties as part of GonzoQuest’s Final Fridays Open Mike Night, on Friday, March 27th at 8pm, Paper City Studios, 80 Race Street, in Holyoke. The open mike, interspersed with “Ursonata” movements, features performance poets, artists with slideshows, and musicians: sign up at 7:30pm.

Published in 1932, Kurt Schwitters’s “Sonata In Primeval Sounds” is the granddaddy of sound-art poems: a 45-minute nonsense opus that develops 26 abstract themes in classical sonata format. Andy Laties’s rousing participatory interpretations were honored in Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art’s major “Chicago Artists 1945-1995″ retrospective. He is joined by performance artist Rebecca Migdal and drummer Eric Blitz. (N.B. See my previous blogpost for videos of the January show. This March show will be even fancier!)

As if that weren’t fabulous enough, this Friday Torsten Zenas Burns will screen a work-in-progress video project that he is creating in collaboration with students in Korea. Torsten writes:

“Scenes in KOREANAUTICA explore re-imagined space training workshops, gestural relationships, sculptural set-ups, and micro / macro vehicle delivery systems. Further scenes investigate diverse medical treatments, rituals, superstitions, sexuality, hygiene, manifestations, humor and the creative arts aboard a fictional international Korean space station. The last collection of footage is appropriated from NASA-TV, capturing months of the 2008 training and the launching of the 1st female Korean astronaut.”